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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Post Office Plaque

I was in the Port Tampa Post Office the other day, despite it's ever diminishing hours, and noticed that the kind of quaint mid-century modern building has the typical dedication plaque in the lobby. What struck me is that it is the only federal building I can remember with President Kennedy's name inscribed as the sitting president. There are lots of things named after him, Kennedy Blvd. here in Tampa, the Special Warfare Center at Ft. Bragg. He was the president who allowed the "Green Berets" to wear their green berets. I wonder how many others might be out there, not too many since he was only in office for 1,000 days. What would a bird watcher style life list of Kennedy dedicated buildings look like?


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