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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Tea Party Scheduled for Young Ladies

The Port Tampa City Woman’s Club and the Kwane Doster Rec Center are planning a Tea Party for young ladies on Saturday May 26th, at 11:30 AM. It’s going to be a “dress up” party and “art show” with the girls wearing flowered hats. "The girls are practicing proper tea etiquette and are looking forward to displaying their artwork and modeling the brightly colored straw hats they created,” says Queen Matthews, Kwane Doster recreation center director. We may need some help with decorations. If you would like to be involved please contact Cookie Robinson at 390-9766 or

Thanks to the Port Tampa Women's Club newsletter.


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