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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sidewalks NOW on McElroy

City Council voted last night to allow some minor changes to the PDA at Newport Tampa Bay, basically allowing the developer to build over lot lines within the contiguous area of the development. In other words, they can cross lot lines they own but still have to follow setback rules for adjoining properties. Residents of Westshore Club condominiums spoke up for construction of a sidewalk on McElroy. Eco Group, the developer, wanted to put up a boardwalk over the drainage ditch that runs the length of McElroy from Westshore to Bridge St. Residents and City Council want none of that. Eco Group does not want to be held liable for choosing the wrong size culvert when filling in the ditch to construct a concrete walk and wanted to wait until their reconstruction of Bridge St. is complete. Councilman Dingfelder said he'd intercede with public works to get a ruling on what size concrete pipe should be used. The whole council agreed that the sidewalk Eco Group agreed to when they were first given permission to develop the former Imperial Yacht Basin needs to be built forthwith. Al Steenson of Gandy Civic Association (aka Sunbay South) did his usual able job of speaking up for concurrent infrastructure development SOG.

To Eco Group's credit, their spokesman once again assured Council, and the public, that Bridge Street and other thoroughfares will remain public and that the waterfront esplanade on the site plan is designed to draw the general public, not just residents, to the marina area.


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