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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Just another way to avoid really working...

I write a "how to" column for Military Spouse magazine, published bi-monthly and available nationwide at bookstores near military installations, on bases, and by subscription through Military Spouse (Pardon the shameless self promotion.)

My latest piece is done, and a fine bit of work it was on "how to change a lock." But I'm now supposed to be working on a feature about "Military family support on the web." I should be doing one on how to avoid the time sucking, motivation destroying, lures of the online quiz. Below is Port Tampa's "Creature Nemesis."

Port Tampa's creature-nemesis:

The Dreaded BLOWFISH
'What creature will become your nemesis?' at


At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I did was plug in my first name and the time of day I was born and the creature nemesis they picked was Dick Cheney.

Accurate...and creepy, too.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Lofty said...

Kate- The quiz is eerily on target. I entered my real first and last name and got Dick Cheney-accurate for me as well. First name only-Shetland Pony, which in my cowgirl days I would ride for parents of kids who couldn't control their spoiled little equines.


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