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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Opposition to Gazebo Demolition Growing

Is Tampa disregarding the historic heritage of Port Tampa City. Some think so.

Received via e-mail:

Hello everyone,

What is so terribly wrong with our historic gazebo that it is unsound and unsafe for public use??????

Just a scant three months ago Santa and Mrs. Claus sat in chairs in this gazebo, along with other adults and musical equipment, while approximately 200 children came and went, telling Santa their wishes. There was nothing wrong with the gazebo at that time. It showed no signs of serious deterioration or harm to anyone.

Back in the year 1961 the City of Tampa annexed Port Tampa, in spite of vigorous protests by the residents. Come on, people, let's speak up now and keep what precious little of our historic heritage that we have left.

Take a look at the pavilion at the northern end of the Park. Many of us believe that the pavilion needs an entire new roof, but ... the City is just making repairs to the old roof ... pieces of wood being replaced here and there. The worker is doing a good job and would be a good person to replace bad wood on the gazebo.

I do not want a replacement gazebo! Let's fix the old one. Even if it costs more to repair than to replace, let's fix it. We can hold a fundraiser to raise money to reimburse the City for the extra cost.

Also, there are contractors residing in Port Tampa, so let's get bids from them. I feel certain that they would take great pride in restoring our historic Spanish American War Memorial Park Gazebo.

Carol Curtiss


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