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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Friday, May 18, 2007

National Trails Day Event in Port Tampa, June 2

Here's an opportunity to learn about trails in our community. If you are feeling adventurous, join the City of Tampa Greenways and Trails Citizen's Advisory Committee on a trek through Southwest Port Tampa to celebrate National Trails Day.

Saturday, June 2, 2007 9:00 am - noon at the SouthWest Port Tampa Park parking lot located at 7506 Morton Street. Instead of a traditional meeting, the GTCAC and interested public are invited to bring their bikes (mountain bikes recommended) and/or hiking shoes and we will follow the planned trail route alignments to Picnic Island to celebrate National Trails Day.

We will trek around the Chevron parcel along City stormwater drainage canals which the City hopes to purchase through ELAPP. In addition we will bike down to the saltwater mud flats south and west of the petrolum tank farms. An on-road side trip to Picnic Island Park will also be made.

In the event of inclement weather (very high winds or rain), the event will be rescheduled to a later date.

This event is being posted on the National Trails Day event calendar, as well as with Members of the Hillsborough MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will also be invited.

Please be prepared with sunscreen & mosquito repellant & water. The City will provide water and snack bars at the beginning and end of the ride. Note that access to restroom facilities is limited to those available at nearby park facilities. Special accommodations will be made to the extent possible with motor vehicle access to portions of the trail alignment for those physically challenged.

Please RSVP to Mary Helen at to participate in this event. City liability waivers may be required.


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