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Port Tampa

The view from way, way, way, South of Gandy in Tampa, Florida. (So far south you can hear them chasing birds away from the runway at MacDill.)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

No Objection to Rezoning on S. O'Brien

New Millennial Homes representative Anthony Galarza did not attend last night's CAPT meeting, but he did send pictures and copies of the site plan for their property on S. O'Brien, adjoining MacDill AFB. The company plans to build homes similar to this one located on S. Morton St. which they built a few years ago. CAPT President Jill Buford said the board has no objection to rezoning the property from IG (Industrial General) to PD, so that five buildable lots can be carved out of the vacant property on both sides of the street. No one from the general membership disagreed with the board recommendation. City Council will hear the rezoning request on Thursday evening.


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