Entrepreneur Brings Advertising/Graphic Design Talent to SOG
my GANDY The "Real" South Tampa's Bi-Monthly Business Forum
Derek Reusser was a bit bleary-eyed at the last Friends of the Library Meeting. It's understandable, he's a new parent with a start-up business so sleep is hard to come by. Despite the fatigue, Derek's enthusiasm for Port Tampa and his new direct mail advertising vehicle, a magazine/coupon book makes you think "Here's a young businessman to watch."
Reusser's first two issues are available in the my Gandy archives. Deadline for editorial content and advertising is Tuesday, May 9th.
From March/April-
We will be publishing S.O.G. sories of 250 words or less. Let's keep the memories alive. Include pictures if appropriate. Email to mygandy@tampabay.rr.com.
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